ID :
Fri, 08/22/2008 - 16:29
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Local firms eye online gaming sites

Hanoi, 22 Aug (VNA) - As the online game industry develops in Vietnam , more and more enterprises are turning to the Net to advertise their goods.

At present, there are more than 50 international electronic game publishers with a variety of products in Vietnam , according to the Department of Information and Technology under the Information andCommunications Ministry.

Total revenue from the game industry reached 45 million USD in 2007, a year-on-year increase of 60 percent. It is expected to reach 83 million USDby 2010.

Phan Sao Nam , director of VTC Online Telecommunications Company, said advertising at online game sites is growing in attractiveness because it is a relatively cheap way of marketing goods. While companies must fork out 2,000 USD for 30 seconds of airtime on television, Samsung Co, pays just 200,000 USD for a year's worth of advertising on VTC Online's Auditionsite, said Nam .

Domestic IT firms are beginning to pay more attention to the advertisingpotential of online game sites.

At the beginning of this year, VTC Online signed an advertising deal withthe website and the maker of Bigbabol chewing gum.

The company also plans to sign advertising deals in the near future withmakers of consumer goods, mobile phones and mobile service providers.

Enterprises are looking to reach larger audiences and online games advertising meets that need, said Bui Ngoc Quoc Hung, director of Vinagame, one of the country's largest game publishers.-Enditem