ID :
Fri, 08/22/2008 - 17:54
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Ministry of Public Health to control diseases in flood areas

(KPL) The Deputy-Director of the Hygiene and Prevention Department, Ministry of Public Health, said that her department would be fielding medical work teams from 25 August onwards to the flooded areas in various provinces and Vientiane Capital.

Dr. Somchith Akkhavong, said that the Ministry of Public Health had presented a proposed workplan and the government had agreed to allocate 198million kip (US$23,000).

The ministry, she said, is cooperating with various international organisations to get medical equipment, funds, medicine and otherrequirements for its health operations in the flooded areas.

The ministry would be getting aid from the UNICEF: US$137,000 in the form of cash grant, US$146,000 for medical work team activities and US$232,000 formedicine and equipment.

The Hygiene and Prevention Department would be cooperating with health administrators in different provinces. They would work together to control the outbreak of diseases, to maintain hygienic conditions and to get peopleto be aware of certain diseases. One of them is the foot-and-mouth disease.