ID :
Fri, 08/22/2008 - 23:41
Auther :

Stock indexes continue upward trend

Hanoi (VNA) - Stock indexes of both bourses continued their upward trend at the week-end trading session on August 22.

The VN-Index at the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange added one point to close at 526.98 while the HASTC-Index in Hanoi jumped 1.32 points to finish at164.28.

As a result, the VN-Index won 22.84 points after one week of transaction with more than 26 million shares worth over 1 trillion VND traded each day while the HASTC-Index gained 6.25 points with more than 12.7 million sharesworth 549.2 billion VND traded each day.

Earlier this week, both stock indexes and trading volumes surged thanks to supportive information, including the expanded trading bands applied forboth bourses and the reduction of fuel prices in domestic the market.

Both bourses saw slight increases at week-end trading sessions as investors were affected by rises in consumer price indexes in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in August and the sudden increase in the world's petrol price on August 22.-Enditem