ID :
Mon, 03/21/2011 - 12:33
Auther :

North Korea Sends Notice to South Side

Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The U.S. forces present in south Korea are committing reckless military provocations even in the area very close to the Military Demarcation Line in the zone under the control of the north and the south on the West coast these days.
The U.S. troops come as far as 20 meters from the MDL every day to watch personnel and vehicles in disregard of the agreement reached between the north and south militaries which calls for making prior notice to the other side in case one side enters as close as 100 meters in the zone under the control of the north and the south. They are even committing such provocations against soldiers of the Korean People's Army as bringing even women to have photographs taken and wine before throwing empty bottles towards the post of the north side.
In this regard, the military working chief in the Western coastal areas of the north side sent the following message to the south side at 18:20 on March 20:
The north side warns that it will no longer tolerate the above-said grave military provocations being perpetrated, timed to coincide with the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military exercises for aggression, and the attitude of the south side conniving at and encouraging them.