ID :
Thu, 03/24/2011 - 12:48
Auther :

S. Korea Urged to Halt Psywar against DPRK

Pyongyang, March 24 (KCNA) -- The anti-DPRK psychological warfare of south has gone into extremes.
South Korea is mulling bringing conservative organizations to Paekryong Island on March 25 and 26 in a bid to let balloons containing hundreds of thousands of anti- DPRK leaflets, USBs on which corrupt animation files are recorded and foul one dollar notes, etc. to fly into the areas of the north side.
In this regard, the commander of forces of the Korean People's Army in the Western sector of the front, gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA on March 23:
The KPA has already clarified its stand to blow up through sighting firings the bases for the anti-DPRK psychological warfare including the spots from which leaflets are scattered.
Nevertheless, the puppet military warmongers are making persistent attempts to bring the above-said organizations to front areas to scatter leaflets.
The KPA always keeps itself fully ready to make sighting firing and blow up those bases for the anti-DPRK psychological warfare not only in the Western sector of the front but in all areas along the front in order to cope with the puppet forces' madcap psychological warfare and go into action any time.