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Tue, 04/26/2011 - 15:44
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Senior MP Condemns US for Attempts to Wage War between Tehran, Riyadh

TEHRAN,April 26(FNA)- A senior Iranian legislator blasted the attempts made by Washington to sow discord among the regional nations, and warned that the US has hatched plots to wage a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
"Americans thought that they can force Iran into a military war with Saudi Arabia by (the Saudi invasion of Bahrain and) massacre of the Bahraini people but since Tehran respects all Muslims and all the regional nations and prefers regional stability to any other issue, it was not trapped in the US game," member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Parviz Sorouri told FNA on Tuesday.

He reiterated that Iran believes in diplomacy and dialogue to settle the regional problems "if the regional countries give up their blind compliance with the US and withdraw from Bahrain".

"Iran will not allow materialization of the US policies in the region," the legislator added.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran as the most influential country in the region and the Middle-East's main actor cannot keep mum about the sensitive conditions of the Middle-East," Sorouri said, adding, "The Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys a totally clear strategy and based on this strategy, it plays its role in the region and will do the same in future."

In relevant remarks, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi had earlier this week had pointed out that the West attempts to spread Iranophobia in the region as part of its plots for hijacking people's uprisings in the regional countries, and said the people of the region are highly vigilant and will not be deceived by the plots hatched by the world arrogant powers.

The Iranian top diplomat blasted certain regional and foreign countries' military intervention in Bahrain as an "unjustified" move, and said, "Certain Persian Gulf littoral states have adopted hasty policies and we caution them about these policies."

Iran has criticized Saudi military intervention in Bahrain, and called on Riyadh to pull its troops out of the Persian Gulf island immediately.

The Saudi forces' crackdown started after demonstrators in Bahrain began demanding constitutional reforms as well as an end to the 230-year-old monarchy, with hundreds camping out peacefully in the capital's Pearl Square since February 14.

Bahraini security forces have been brutally suppressing anti-government protesters. So far, tens of people have been killed, hundreds have gone missing and about 1,000 others have been injured.

The violence against protesters escalated when Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar dispatched their armed forces to the country to help Manama crack down on peaceful protesters.