ID :
Fri, 09/12/2008 - 00:35
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Gov't asks public company heads to follow guidelines in dealing with unions

SEOUL, Sept. 11 (Yonhap) -- The government has asked the heads of South Korea's public companies and organizations to follow labor guidelines in dealing with unionized workers.

Labor Minister Lee Young-hee said in a meeting in Seoul that the public sector
has on the whole failed to set an example in terms of labor-management relations,
and asked CEOs to reestablish principles that reflect best practices.

The official then claimed that 70 percent of all unions in public sector
companies could be considered "hardcore" and engaged in anti-government
rhetoric and actions.

"Such actions are in part due to the lack of clear views set by past CEOs
and managements," he said.

He then said that in the future, any labor negotiations in public companies must
follow strict rules by not permitting illegal activities, not paying for days
absent and maintaining firm control over how personnel and management run

Lee also said that companies and organizational heads must not agree to
under-the-table deals to resolve conflicts.

The policymaker, however, said that the government will do its part to respect
valid and lawful union activities, and prevent strikes from taking place by
improving working conditions.

He said that Seoul will do what it can to help irregular workers.

The meeting was attended by heads of 160 public companies, including heads of the
Korea Minting and Security Printing Corp., the Korea Consumer Protection Board
and the Government Employees Pension Corp.