ID :
Fri, 09/12/2008 - 00:36
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No power vacuum detected in N. Korea: gov't source

By Lee Joon-seung

SEOUL, Sept. 11 (Yonhap) -- No power vacuum has been detected in North Korea amid speculations that Kim Jong-il may have had a stroke last month, a diplomatic source said Thursday.

The diplomatic source, who declined to be identified, said there seem to have
been no disruptions to key decision-making processes in the communist country,
pointing to the nuclear situation as evidence.

"North Korea threatened to reassemble its nuclear facilities in Yongbyon in
late August at about the time Kim may have fell ill, and actually took steps
early this month that may be construed as following up on their word," he

Such actions can be interpreted as a sign that decisions are being made and that
the system of government has not been affected by Kim's possible incapacity, said
the source.

"If Kim did not make the call, others close to him may have," he said.

The insider then said that based on current intelligence, no one can say for
certain if Kim will make a full recovery.

Other Pyongyang watchers, meanwhile, said the unexpected pledge of allegiance of
the five most powerful decision making-bodies in North Korea to Kim on the eve of
the country's founding anniversary on Tuesday may be a sign that the leader is
still in control.

The pledge, carried by (North) Korean central News Agency, showed the Central
Committee and the Central Military Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea
swearing allegiance to Kim by stressing that the leader is North Korea, and that
his leadership is an integral part of the country's future.

The National Defense Commission, the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly
and the Cabinet took part in the pledge.

The move was unexpected since these five key organizations made similar steps
only in 2002 and 2006 to mark Kim's 60th and 65th birthdays.

Kim took power in 1994 after his father and North Korea's founder, Kim Il-sung,
died of heart failure.