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Mon, 09/15/2008 - 10:25
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Mayor inspects the railway

Mayor inspects the railway

(KPL) Vientiane Mayor Sinlavong Khouthphaythoune last week inspected the newly constructed railway linking Vientiane with Nongkay of neighbour Thailand.
With the station in Ban Dongphosy, Hadsayfong district, the railway will be running tried on 23 October as second time and opened for public use early next year, after the first running trial was in the second quarter of this year.
The visit of the Vientiane Mayor to the site was accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Public Work and Transport, the National Railway Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affair, consulting companies, and construction companies.
The mayor also inspected a goods warehouse, immigration officials’ office, custom office and animal quarantine office at the train station.