ID :
Fri, 08/19/2011 - 11:14
Auther :

U.S.-S. Korea UFG Joint Military Exercises Blasted

Pyongyang, August 19 (KCNA) -- The U.S. together with south Korea kicked off the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military exercises targeted against the DPRK, its dialogue partner. This has left the DPRK skeptical about the U.S. call for the sincerity of dialogue.
Minju Joson Friday says this in a bylined commentary.
The U.S. described war exercises it waged every year against the DPRK as "annual ones" and the "drills of defensive nature". With no rhetoric, however, can it cover up its aim to stifle the DPRK by force of arms based on the theory of strength. It is clearly evidenced by the focus of the on-going exercises being put on the "elimination of the WMDs from the north".
Peace on the Korean Peninsula is directly linked with peace of the world. It is quite unjust for the U.S., a country holding unavoidable responsibility, to take ambiguous and double-dealing attitude.
The U.S. would be well advised to clarify its stand on whether it wants dialogue or war.