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Mon, 09/22/2008 - 10:26
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Organic agriculture production is a high market demand

Organic agriculture production is a high market demand

(KPL) Plantation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry organised a meeting on carrying out feasibility study and data collections regarded in the principle of good agriculture production in Laos, on 18 September, in Vientiane.
The event was attended by the Director General of Agriculture and Forestry Department Vilavanh Phannoulath, and technical officials of Medicine and Hygienic Department, and concerned non-governmental organization.
The Director General of Agriculture and Forestry Department briefed the standard of agriculture production in Laos, which different organic agriculture projects are being carried out in Laos.
The good agriculture production with standard is a need of regional market for preventing hazard of agriculture yield and promoting organic agriculture production in the country.
The ASEAN endorsed a standard for agriculture production in localities and farms.
Mr Vilavanh highlighted said that the clean agriculture production is to accelerate on the examination of quality and standard from sector concerned in the market.
In the part, the clean crops, or chemical free vegetables are available in Vientiane markets have any confirmed that how clean and standard is it.
The main objective of good agriculture production is to avoid and reduce the consumption of chemical residue in vegetables and being friendly environment, and healthy farmers.
Presently, Laos is preparing to become a WTO’ member, so the organic agriculture production is necessary to do as much as possible in order to generate income for farmers in Laos and enable to compete among ASEAN countries.