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Tue, 09/23/2008 - 10:23
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Government monthly meeting for September held

Government monthly meeting for September held

(KPL) An ordinary meeting of the Government for September was opened on 18-19 September under the chairmanship of Mr. Bouasone Bouphavanh, Prime Minister of the Lao PDR.
During the two day meeting, the participants has heard the report on the implementation of the National strategy on educational reform and the situation of education in 2008-2009 period. It also heard the progress made to respond to the needs of national development of education at the grass-roots levels.
The meeting has asked the ministry of education to take active role in hastening the reform process, starting with the enactment of necessary legislation to strengthen the education system while addressing the weakest areas. Much more should be done regarding inspection in education, including the private sector, to ensure human resource development was in line with Party policy.
The ministry was also assigned to address the issue of teacher and supplies shortages in schools. The government was aware that many schools were unable to open on schedule for the academic year 2008-2009 due to flooding. The government appreciated the improvement of the curriculum in parallel with enhancing teaching standards through training. Infrastructure has been developed to prepare for the expansion of the formal education system from 11 years to 12.
At the meeting, the government also approved the national policy on nutrition and a draft national policy on food security. It also approved a Prime Minister’s agreement on the establishment of a national rice stock, to include stocks supplied by the government, mill owners, traders and the public. The meeting advised the relevant sectors to take an active role in rehabilitating the lives of those affected by recent flooding and encouraging dry-season crops production. Ministries and local authorities would need to work diligently to promote production in accordance with the country’s plan.
The meeting heard draft presidential legislation on the value of state land leases and concessions, a draft decree on the granting of state land leases and concessions, and the use of state land as capital in joint investment ventures.
The meeting approved legislation on fees and state administrative fees, which had been discussed and studied several times by the relevant sectors. It also heard a report regarding a draft strategy for the development of state administration and assigned the Public Administration and Civil Service Authority to continue improving this strategy.
The meeting advised the improvement of attitudes and state administration goals in conformity with the goals of national development.
The meeting also advised the relevant sectors to sum up their reports for the implementation of the socio-economic development and budget plan for 2007-2008 and to provide a frank evaluation.
The meeting advised the relevant sectors to create meaningful activities to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Lao People’s Army, based on the creation of solidarity among the people and ensuring stability, security and order throughout the entire society.