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Tue, 09/23/2008 - 10:31
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Economic, Social and Cultural Rights assessed

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights assessed

(KPL) The Lao Government, the UNDP and UN agencies discussed the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) last Friday at the International Cooperation and Training Centre, Vientiane.
The ICESCR together with its sister treaty, the International Consonant on Civil and Political Rights and Universal Declaration of Human Rights constitutes the so-called International Bill of Rights that has inspired constitutions and legal system of countries around the world.
The function was co-chaired by Mr. Khamkheuang Bounteum, Director General of the Treaties and Law Department, National Project Director of the International Law Project, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Stephane Vigie, Deputy Resident Representative of the UNDP in the Lao PDR, that drew over 60 representatives from international organisations to Laos and relevant sectors.
The Lao PDR constitution provides for equal rights of men and women in the political, economic, social, cultural and family life. ICESCR, one of the UN core human rights treaties, that has been ratified by the Lao PDR since 2007 obliges State parties to undertake steps to progressively achieve full realisation of this set of rights, including the rights to work, the right education, the right to basic health care, the right to adequate food, cloth and housing. The state parties to the ICESCR have an obligation to report on the implementation of the treaty to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Right. The initial report by the Lao PDR is due in June 2008.
The participants of the workshop increased their understanding of the Covenant rights, State parties obligations, the rational function and from of reporting guidelines, the relationship and mutually reinforcing between the economic, social and Cultural rights and the UN Millennium Development Goal.
The participants from all relevant authorities shared information on the sectoral social-economic development that creates condition for the facilitation and promotion of the economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Covenant.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Khamkheuang said “the International Consonant on Civil and Political Rights is the consideration process of the National Assembly”.
The meeting aims to assess the current situation of the implementation of ICESCR by the Lao PDR, prepare for the Lao PDR’s initial under ICESCR and was also part of the activities to celebrate in 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.