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Thu, 09/25/2008 - 10:11
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Sino-Lao Corp invests Billions of US dollars in bauxite mining

Sino-Lao Corp invests Billions of US dollars in bauxite mining

(KPL) The Sino-Lao Aluminium Corperation Limited has poured about 34 trillion kip (US$4 billion) into the bauxite mining, the construction of aluminium and alumina processing factories and a lignite power plant in southern provinces of Laos.
An agreement was signed here on 22 September between Vice-Minister of Investment and Planning Thongmy Phomvisay and Vice-President of the Sino-Lao Aluminium Corperation Premchai Karnasuta.
At present, the bauxite mining in southern province of Laos is being magnetized by domestic and foreign investors, said the company’s second Vice President, Mr Saysana.
The bauxite mining will be conducted in Paksong district (Boloven Plateau), Champassak province, and the aluminium processing factories construction and a lignite power plant will be constructed in Sanamsay district, Attapeu province.
The company will spend US$ two billion on the bauxite mining and the construction of alumina and aluminium processing factories, US$1.5 billion on a lignite power plant with a generation capacity of 1,320MW and the installation of high-voltage transmission lines.
The Road No 18A, running 116 km from Pathoumphone district in Champassak province to Attapeu province, will also be renovated at a cost of US$100 million.
The construction of the alumina and aluminium processing factories and the lignite power plant as well as the road improvement will take three years.
The project, a joint venture between China, Thailand and Laos, is expected to start operation next month.
The Bauxite mining over 14,500 hectares is expected to produce one million tons of alumina and 500,000 tonnes of aluminium annually.
The area is considered a top ten bauxite mine in the world, which covers about 50,000 hectares of area.