ID :
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 11:12
Auther :

U.S. Is Chiefly Responsible for Tension in Korean Peninsula--Rodong Sinmun

Pyongyang, October 28 (KCNA) -- Recently the United States introduced twelve F-16C fighters into its air base in Kunsan, south Korea. The fighters from the Hill Air Base in Utah State of the U.S. belong to the 419th and 388th combat air divisions. About 200 troops of the U.S air force were deployed along with those fighters.
Commenting on this fact, a news analyst of Rodong Sinmun Friday says:
The U.S. seeks to justify its adventurous military action with the word of "defense", but such trick can never work on others.
The deployment of F-16C fighters is evidently targeted against the DPRK.
The U.S. is also seeking another aim in their deployment. F-16C is not only for conducting military operation in such narrow region as the Korean Peninsula.
It is the U.S. goal to realize its Asia-Pacific strategy of aggression by force. It is mulling backing this goal with the powerful armed forces.
As part of such scheme, the U.S. trigger-happy forces have pressured south Korea to build a naval base on Jeju Island.
This naval base will help various war means of the U.S., including nuclear-powered carrier flotilla and nuclear submarine, have free access to the island, and then the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity will be surely embroiled in consistent danger of war.