ID :
Sat, 12/24/2011 - 14:05
Auther :

Westerners see Turkish economy's success while Easterners see Turkish democracy's success, says Deputy PM Babacan

ISTANBUL (A.A) - Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said Saturday that those Westerners who look at Turkey see the Turkish economy's success while those Easterners who look at Turkey see the Turkish democracy's success. Speaking at a symposium in Istanbul, Babacan said that the global economy would go through various tests in 2012. Turkey is in a unique position of not having been affected negatively by the economic crisis in Europe and the political developments in North Africa and the Middle East, Babacan stressed. The Westerners see the Turkish economy's success while the Easterners see the Turkish democracy's success. The confidence in Turkey is probably at its peak nowadays. Turkey is the subject of the day in all corners of the globe, Babacan also said.