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Thu, 10/02/2008 - 10:38
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Damaged irrigation needs billions kip for improving

Damaged irrigation needs billions kip for improving

(KPL) The irrigation systems were destroyed by recent flood countrywide which is the need to spend more than 75 billion kip on it recovery works.
This is to achieve the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s plan in supplying water on 120,000 hectares of upcoming dry season rice.
Deputy Head of Irrigation Department Douangsay Sinnachak said, “The irrigation system should be improved in a timely manner of this dry season production, due to the recent floodwater affected to 438 irrigations system nationwide”.
Out of total figure, 226 irrigations in northern part of the country have been damaged that needed at least 27 billion kip to improve the irrigation system, 167 irrigation in central part needed over 33 billion kip and 45 systems in southern part needed 16 billion kip, he said.
The irrigation system in Vientiane capital, Bolikhamsay, Khammouane and Vientiane provinces were identified badly impact by floodwater, which has led to 132 irrigation damage. In these provinces are need to spend more than 21.34 billion kip on the repair work.
Now the fund for improving, the Government is under consideration and expects to be issued earlier this month, Mr Douangsay added.
Over 56 billion kip for improving irrigation was approved by the recent meeting of National Assembly, and 31 billion kip will be spent on recovery the broken irrigation system and the rest will be used for extension five priority projects of Government.