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Mon, 10/06/2008 - 10:43
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NOKIA counterfeit products seized

NOKIA counterfeit products seized

(KPL) The Trademark Inspection Committee of Vientiane has conducted an inspection for counterfeit products of NOKIA sold at mobile shops in Vientiane.
Some counterfeit NOKIA mobiles were seized in the inspections on two days 29 September and 1 October, which covered Dongdok, Friendship Bridge, Dongparan, Morning Market, Zang Jieng Market and Sikai Market.
Vanida Phommachanh, an official, said the inspection is based on the Article 17 of Prime Minister Decree on trademark, dated 18 Jan 1995, and the official notice of Cabinet Office dated 6 February 2008.
The government has the strong push for the policy to promote foreign investment as well as providing the effective protection to foreign investors’ rights and benefits of investment in Laos.
The indication of these strong efforts is the endorsement of the new IP law by the National Assembly.
Since 15 July the Trademark Inspection Committee of Vientiane has conducted the monitoring and inspection to follow up the infringement of the registered trademark “NOKIA” in mobile dealers, retail shops, distributors and wholesalers across Vientiane.