ID :
Fri, 10/10/2008 - 16:03
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JICA to Help Egypt Establish Science & Technology University

Tokyo, Oct. 9 (Jiji Press)--The Japan International Cooperation Agency agreed Thursday to offer technical support for Egypt to establish a state university of science and technology.

The Egyptian government is planning to invest more than 10 billion
yen to build a university near Alexandria, northern Egypt, to improve the
country's higher education in engineering.
The Japanese official aid agency plans to send experts from Japan's
universities and assist in developing a curriculum in the five-year
cooperation project.
The university is scheduled to start giving lectures in electrical
and machine engineering and chemistry in makeshift classrooms late next
Egypt asked Japan to cooperate in the university project at a
summit in May 2007.
JICA, which carries out the nation's official development
assistance program, will dispatch about six academics to the university on a
long-term basis and about 30 on a short-term basis. It will also provide
grant aid to help the school purchase teaching materials and research