ID :
Tue, 10/14/2008 - 14:39
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China welcomes developments in N. Korea denuclearization process+

BEIJING, Oct. 13 Kyodo - China welcomed Monday developments over the weekend in the six-way process aimed at denuclearizing North Korea, including Pyongyang's pledge Sunday to resume disablement of a key nuclear complex.

''China positively assesses the constructive efforts made by relevant parties
to promote the six-party talks process,'' Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu
Jianchao said in a statement posted on the ministry's website.
''Promoting the six-party talks process matches the shared interests of all
parties, and is the universal expectation of the international community,'' Liu
said. ''China will strengthen communication and coordination with parties and
promote the continuous development of the process.''
North Korea said Sunday it will resume disablement work at the Yongbyon nuclear
complex that has been halted since mid-August.
The move came after the United States removed the country from its blacklist of
terrorist sponsors on Saturday, a long-time demand by North Korea.
China is the host of the six-way talks, which groups the North and South Korea,
the United States, China, Japan and Russia.