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Thu, 10/30/2008 - 10:18
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Mayor confirms Vientiane to be drug-free city by 2015

Mayor confirms Vientiane to be drug-free city by 2015

(KPL) Vientiane Mayor Sinlavong Khoudphaythoun stressed police and authorities to focus on combating and suppressing illicit drugs trade so as to turn Vientiane Capital into a drug-free city by 2015.
The ongoing measures taken by Vientiane Capital are the prevention of drugs consumption, trade and transport.
Vientiane is to concentrate on creating drug abuse-free villages and offices at least 30 per cent out of 500 villages in the capital by 2010. Main drugs smugglers are now practicing in Vientiane as a main focus by cooperation with all parts concerned.
In addition, other risk-group, including youngsters, teenagers, people and workers who work at the entertainment places and factories have also been monitored.
The retail groups of illicit drug that distributed to drug at communities, schools and other entertainment are also mainly focused to suppress.
Last year, almost 1,000 kg of narcotics have been seized in Vientiane Capital and more than 100 people involved in 57 cases of illicit drug trafficking.
The achievement was due to the Vientiane Committee for Drug Control and Suppression had a strict measure to suppress illicit drug trafficking. Now 11 boxes for receiving information on drugs from good citizens have already been installed. Vientiane Mayor Sinlavong called for all social strata to cooperate in the suppression so as to help and rehabilitate drug victims to become as good citizens.