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Mon, 11/03/2008 - 14:36
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New edition of 1,000 kip banknote issued

New edition of 1,000 kip banknote issued

(KPL) 1,000 kip banknote has been issued for public circulation in response to trade nationwide and the promotion of kip currency use.
This is according to a notice of the Bank of Lao PDR, on 30 October.
The 1,000 kip banknote has been reprinted with new design and quality has been improved which would be circulated in the public in this month. The quality of banknote is improved that hard to counterfeit.
The improved banknote is 66mm X 144mm that the picture has been maintained but the quality of its paper, colour, technical printing have been improved. The representatives of the Central Bank called on Lao people to maintain kip banknote and use kip currency.