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Wed, 11/19/2008 - 11:31
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MRC holds regional meeting to draft action plan

MRC holds regional meeting to draft action plan
(KPL) Sixty participants from Lao PDR, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam met at Lao Plaza Hotel, Vientiane yesterday for the Regional Consultation Meeting to draft the Plans of Action for Watershed Management in the Lower Mekong Basin.
Deputy Director General of Lao National Mekong Committee, Mr. Sourasay Phoumavong and Chief Executive Officer of MRC Secretariat, Jeremy Bird were two of the important people who were at this meeting.
A two-day meeting, organised by the Mekong River Commission(MRC)-(GTZ) German Technical Cooperation Watershed Management Project is the fourth of a genre to bring together experts from the region to discuss options for improving the environment in this specific watershed management context.
The Regional Consultation Meeting serves a two fold purpose. First, it acts as a round table of the project’s institutional development component. And secondly, this gathering creates opportunities for discussion and validation of the project’s latest developments.
For the 2008 meeting the main topic is the foundation of a plan of action for selected pilot watersheds in the four countries.
The existing framework shows what can be done to upgrade the availability of sufficient water and at the same time to maintain the water quality at a permissible level in the watersheds so that it is seamlessly connected to the overall framework, such as the ecological, economic, social and cultural functions.
During the course of the preparation of the framework, the officers assessed the social, economic and ecological watershed assets and thereby formulated a watershed profile. Then a committee made up of local and national experts identified a set of important issues that are damaging to watershed functions.
These issues were discussed in a participatory process with the owners of the watersheds and the committee proposed a list of actions to be taken. These act as the foundation or basis for the next course of actions to be taken.