ID :
Thu, 11/27/2008 - 06:47
Auther :


KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 (Bernama) -- Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar said the Malaysian government implements a firm and flexible policy on the large numer of foreign workers in the country so that they do bring losses to the country.

"There are between 2.1 and 2.2 million foreign workers in the country. This
is 25 per cent of our workforce. Of nine million, 25 per cent are foreign
workers. That is a very high number and the illegal workers number 1.2 million.
This shows we also have many illegal workers," he said in the Lower House of
Parliament Wednesday.

Syed Hamid rejected the allegation by Tiong King Sing, a National Front MP
who asked a supplementary question that the policy implemented by the government
was not flexile enough leading to foreign workers running away from employers
who paid levy and the employers then resorting to hiring illegal foreign

National Front or Barisan Nasional (BN) is a major political coalition in

He said the government collected foreign workers levy amounting to
RM1,712,613,609.30 up till Sept 30 this year while the amount was
RM2,135,877,669.79 for last year.

He said the government allocated RM372,988,299 for the running of the
Immigration Department. This was for salaries and emoluments for 9,179
personnel, courses and counter services.

"Up till Oct 31 this year, the amount spent was RM317,229,709," Syed Hamid
said in reply to a question by Gwo-Burne Loh, an opposition MP about the levy on
foreign workers and who would benefit from it.

Syed Hamid said the country benefited a lot from the levy as it was used
continous enforcement on foreign workers and illegal immigrants and enhanced
security from the risk of illegal acts and criminal acts of foreigners.

"Besides that, the levy collected is used to enhance management of
foreigners in the country and also to bear costs to develop the country," he

He said the levy was imposed on unskilled and semi-skilled workers while
expatriates and traders paid income tax.