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Sun, 07/13/2014 - 10:13
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Indian Religious Scholar Strongly Slams Israel Over Criminal Attacks On Palestinians

New Delhi, July 13, IRNA – An eminent Indian religious scholar Saturday strongly slammed Israel over criminal attacks on innocent Palestinians.
In an exclusive interview with IRNA, Maulana Syed Jalal Haider Naqvi, President of Shaheed Mottahhari Society in Delhi, said: “The ruthless Israeli onslaught, on innocent Palestinians, including women and children, is war crimes and Israeli political and military leaders must be tried by the International Court of Justice”.
He said that there is a certain apathy the World community, instead preventing the loss of innocent lives “for the past several day, is watching as a mute spectator the mass execution of innocent Palestinians by the tyrannical Israelis.
Expressing solidarity with the victims, Naqvi noted that Isaeli attacks on civilians were brazen violation of the basic tenets of the civilized conduct.
He further noted the US, which do not waste time in issuing warning, “stop the uncivilized act otherwise we will bombed you” if any other country is involved in such act. But, unfortunately in case of Israeli uncivilized conduct, it is watching mutely.
Replying to the question, Why the US is silent on Israeli onslaught on Palestinians, Jalal Haider, who is also the Joint Secretary of Majlis Ulema-e-Hind said: ˈIsrael has the support of the America, which is the bitter enemy of world Muslims. Either he is George Bush or Barrack Obama, there is no difference in their hostile policies against Muslims across the globe. They are responsible in killing of innocent Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Palestine.ˈ
He added that the insanity of the US policy makers, either belongs to Bush administration or Obama administration, is responsible for all the mayhem and destructions in the region. The Israeli onslaughts on innocent Palestinians or the whirlwind of black-clad militants, ISIL from Syria to Iraq, all were part of the US government engagements in one military intervention after the next in the region.
Expressing outrage at the crimes against humanity at Gaza, by Israeli military, Religious scholar castigated the world community over its criminal silence over the genocide.
ˈThe world community should intervene and stop Israelis from killing innocent Palestinians,ˈ he stressed.
Naqvi also urged the Government of India, not only to condemn this dastardly attack, but also work actively with other peace-loving countries to pressurize Israel to immediately stop the persecution of innocent Palestinians./end