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Wed, 12/10/2008 - 11:50
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Emperor diagnosed with gastric inflammation 'caused by stress'+

TOKYO, Dec. 9 Kyodo -
Emperor Akihito, who canceled some official duties last week due to arrhythmia
and a temporary surge in blood pressure, had gastric erosion and a residue of
bleeding in the stomach and the duodenum deemed to have been caused by physical
and psychological stress as well as age, the Imperial Household Agency said

The agency is planning to reduce the emperor's year-end and New Year official
duties substantially, agency sources said. Some duties scheduled for Thursday
will be canceled.
''His majesty has felt distress over many matters, and I believe he has just
patiently held himself back,'' Ichiro Kanazawa, the agency's medical
supervisor, told a news conference, citing results of an endoscope examination.
''My impression is that that's the major problem.''
The supervisor noted the importance of reducing Emperor Akihito's official
duties on his 75th birthday on Dec. 23 as well as during the year-end and New
Year's period.
At the news conference, Kanazawa was joined by two University of Tokyo
professors -- Ryozo Nagai, who specializes in cardiovascular internal medicine,
and Hirokazu Nagawa, whose specialty is digestive surgery.
According to the medical specialists, on the morning of Nov. 17, the emperor
complained of an anomaly in the chest and was subsequently diagnosed with
supraventricular arrhythmia, which causes sporadic irregular pulses. For a
time, arrhythmia occurred continuously but has been contained, they said.
On Dec. 2, the emperor reported discomfort and pain from the chest to the
stomach. An endoscope examination he underwent on Dec. 5 at the Imperial
Household Hospital confirmed he had erosive gastritis, hemorrhagic gastritis,
erosive bulbus duodenitis and hemorrhagic bulbus duodenitis.
It is conceivable he had suffered from acute gastric mucosal lesion before he
had inflammation of the stomach and intestine, according to the specialists.
A surge in blood pressure on the night of Dec. 2 may have been his body's
defensive reaction to the pain in the stomach and intestine, they said.
The emperor is currently being administered medicine to stem the secretion of
gastric acid and to protect the gastric mucosa.
The emperor canceled his official duties on Dec. 3 and 4, and some duties on
Dec. 5.
His condition is now thought to be stable. After resting during last weekend at
the Imperial Palace, since this Monday he has been engaged in his duties as
scheduled including attending the award ceremony of the International Prize for
Biology of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
The emperor was diagnosed in January as being prone to brittle-bone disease due
to a side effect of hormone treatment he was receiving for prostate cancer. He
underwent surgery to remove prostate cancer in January 2003.