ID :
Wed, 02/25/2015 - 14:35
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International Community Should Respect Indonesia's Legal Sovereignty: Observer

INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SHOULD RESPECT INDONESIA'S LEGAL SOVEREIGNTY: OBSERVER Jakarta, Feb 25 (Antara) - Political observer Boni Hargens has asked the international community to respect the legal sovereignty of the Government of Indonesia. "The international community should respect the sovereignty and authority of Indonesia to enforce its own law. The protest by Brazil and Australia against the death penalty in Indonesia is misdirected," Hargens said here on Wednesday. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott had earlier urged Indonesia to cancel the execution of two Australian death row convicts, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. Hargens noted that Australia's effort to save its citizens facing execution in another country is only natural. However, he added, foreign countries should not presume to suppress or protest the legal ruling of the Indonesian government.