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Sat, 12/27/2008 - 07:18
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Iranian Nobel winner's office again open, deputy FM+

Iranian Nobel winner's office again open, deputy FM+

TOKYO, Dec. 26 Kyodo - Iranian Nobel Peace laureate and government critic Shirin Ebadi has been allowed to reopen her office in Tehran, Iran's deputy foreign minister said Friday in Tokyo.

Mohammad Mehdi Akhondzade, who is Japan for talks with Japanese officials, told
reporters Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner, ''has the right to free
Ebadi's human rights office was closed Sunday, apparently as part of a
crackdown against government critics, but Akhondzade said Friday his
information is that the office is once again functioning.
''Shirin Ebadi has all the freedom and liberty in Iran and outside Iran. She
criticizes the policy of the government. That is her right. She also strongly
opposes United States policies against Iran.
''So, I believe this a completely internal issue...She is a big fighter and in
fact advocates the rights of women, human rights, and different views and she
has freedom in our country,'' Akhondzade said.
Ebadi was quoted Sunday as saying she was ready to fight the closure of her