ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 00:20
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PUTRAJAYA, Jan 7 (Bernama) -- Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
hopes that Syria will lend support to the emergency session of the United
Nations General Assembly (UNGA) initiated by Malaysia to stop the violence in

He said UNGA needed to be convened in view of the grave situation in Gaza

"I know that many countries feel that this is the only leverage left for the
majority of the UN membership to do something to arrest the rapidly
deteriorating situation in the Middle East, particularly in Gaza. I hope the
government of Syria can support this initiative to convene the special UNGA," he
said at a delegation meeting with Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otri at
the Prime Minister's Department here Wednesday.

Otri, is on a four-day visit to Malaysia.

Abdullah said that Malaysia had always called for a comprehensive solution
to the problems of the Middle East, including the restoration of Syrian
sovereignty over those parts of the Golan Heights, which had been occupied by

"I look forward to hearing your views about current international issues,
especially the present critical situation in the Middle East," he said.

He said Syrian investors are welcome in any project appropriate for them as
well as to examine the opportunities that exist, especially in the new
development corridors which have been established in various parts of the

He said collaboration could be developed in the area of halal products and
services as it was a special niche in international trade that could
contribute towards the
expansion of trading activities between the two countries and other Organisation
of the Islamic Conference (OIC) members.

"I would like to invite the Syrian businesses to take part and visit the
Malaysian International Halal Showcase (Mihas) which will be held on May 6-10
this year in Kuala Lumpur.

"This annual showcase has received wide attention, and has indeed become an
important platform for enhancing international business and trade in halal
products and services," he said.

Abdullah also expressed his gratitude for the ongoing cooperation in the
SmartSchool Pilot Project between the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
and the Syria's Education Ministry.

"Such collaboration should be encouraged by both sides and the MDeC is keen
to expand the project to other schools in Syria on a commercial basis," he said.

The cooperation in education, he added, also offered great opportunities
for both countries.

Elaborating, he said Malaysia offered excellent facilities and institutions
for higher eduction, especially quality education in English, which were less
expensive compared with other countries.

"Malaysia will continue to cooperate with Syria in the area of capacity
building and human resource development under the Malaysian Technical
Cooperation Programme or MTCP. Over the years, 143 Syrian officials from various
sectors have benefited from the training and courses held in Malaysia," he said.

Abdullah also urged the Malaysia-Syria Joint Trade Committee (JTC) to find
ways to increase the volume of trade between the two countries as well as the
range of products.

Meanwhile, in a statement issued after the meeting the two countries
unequivocally condemned the continued disproportionate, indiscriminate and
excessive use of force by the Israeli military against Gaza, which constitutes a
war crime and crime against humanity.

They also condemned the collective punishment meted out by Israel on the
Palestinian people and stressed the importance of stopping Israel's aggressions
and lifting the blockade of Gaza.

Both sides also shared the view that the international community especially
the United Nations Security Council should make every effort to ensure that
Israel's aggressive actions do not lead to a widening of the conflict involving
other countries in the region.

They deemed it appropriate that an Emergency Special Session of the United
Nations General Assembly -- Uniting for Peace -- be convened to address the
crisis in Gaza.

Israel had attacked and terrorised the Gaza Strip since Dec 27 last year,
killing more than 600 people so far.