ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 05:19
Auther :

Pak not dismantling terror infrastructure cause for 'major worry': India

New Delhi, Jan 7 (PTI) Accusing Pakistan of not making
any serious attempt to dismantle terror infrastructure, India
today said this was a cause for "major worry" and it will
examine all the "available, possible options".

Sending a tough message a day after Indian Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh spoke of involvement of Pakistan's
state agencies in the Mumbai terror attack, Union Defence
Minister A K Antony said "we will do everything to prevent"
such attacks.

"There is no serious attempt to dismantle terror
outfits working across the border. This is our major worry,"
Antony told reporters on the sidelines of a function here.

"We will examine all the available, possible options,"
he said without elaborating.

The minister expressed New Delhi's apprehensions of
stepped-up infiltration from across the borders in Jammu and
Kashmir in the summer months.

"Even in winters militants have infiltrated into Jammu
and Kashmir. It is biting cold now. Militants will step up
infiltration into J and K from now. Summers will see
heightened infiltration. So armed forces should remain
vigilant," he said.

Stating that it was Pakistan's duty to "book" those
people, who supported terrorists during the Mumbai attacks on
November 26 last, the Defence Minister said the neighbour
should also dismantle the over 30 terror outfits working from
its soil.

"To prevent the repetition of infiltration and terror
incidents, two things needed to be done. Those people, who
gave inspiration, direction and support to terrorists in the
26/11 attack in Mumbai should be booked. The over 30 terror
outfits working from across the border should be dismantled.
It is Pakistan's duty," he said.

Antony said India has not set any time limit for
Pakistan (to dismantle terror infrastructure). However, New
Delhi expected the world to react on the evidences that was
shared with them on the Mumbai attacks.

"We have some evidence. Not only India, even some
other countries have some evidence. We have shown this
evidence to other countries. They world has to react to these
evidence. I hope the world will react," he said.

Asked about the security forces' operation against
holed-up militants in Poonch in Jammu and Kashmir, Antony said
he had discussed it with the three Services chiefs in the
morning and that they were sure of flushing out the militants

To another query, he said the armed forces had a plan
and had worked out a strategy against the holed-up militants,
but the basis approach was to minimise casualty within the
security forces' ranks.

On the day's meeting of the Kendriya Sainik Welfare
Board, Antony said it was decided to provide re-employment
training to all the 60,000 armed forces personnel, who retired
from service at a very young age annually, to improve the
career opportunities in both the private and public sector.

The meeting, Antony said, also decided to start 196
additional polyclinics countrywide under the Ex-Servicemen
Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS).

He also requested the State governments to extend
support to solve the grievances and problems of ex-servicemen
within their respective jurisdiction. PTI