ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 11:39
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Builders received wages

Pavlodar, 08 January 2008, (Khabar) - An issue surrounding postponed salaries of workers at one of the Republic’s construction companies has been resolved in the Pavlodar region. A firm which was constructing a school in the town of Aksu paid out all wages after local authorities had intervened. More than 100 people got their money they honestly earned. In order to prevent similar situations from happening again, a special commission was formed with the regional administration’s officials asserting they would solve any related issues they receive.

Vladimir Berkovskiy, head, Pavlodar regional employment and Social Programmes department:
- Today, there are no enterprises having any salary debts. All the companies will pay off all their debts soon.

Now, the school’s 2nd building is being completed by the Stalmontazh Company with a total of 6 school buildings to be erected in the town.

Yevgeniy Mineyev, construction site supervisor:
- We are now taking more people on and we are planning to employ upto 100 builders to complete these buildings.

Construction is the most highly employed sector in the Pavlodar region. Apart from schools and hospitals, commercial and rental housing is now being constructed in the region as well as new plants and agricultural product producing facilities. Nine hundred people received jobs in the region last year alone. In 2009, another eight thousand jobs will be provided in the region. A new chlorine and alkali workshop at the “Kaustik” plant is to recruit people, too. The expansion of an electrolysis factory as well as new medium and small-sized businesses are to provide some new vacancies as well. A lot of people are expected to find jobs in new schools, hospitals and nursery schools.