ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 21:35
Auther :

Digger farewelled in solemn ceremony

The latest Australian soldier to die in Afghanistan has been farewelled in a solemn
ceremony by his army colleagues.
The casket of Private Greg Sher, who was killed by a rocket on Sunday, was carried
into an RAAF aircraft at Tarin Kowt in southern Afghanistan for his final journey
home to Australia.
Australian troops were joined by the chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal
Angus Houston, at Thursday's ceremony.
Air Chief Marshal Houston said Private Sher was well-regarded by his army colleagues
and mates.
"The loss of Greg is a reminder of the sacrifice that Defence personnel make in the
service of their nation," he said.
"It is also a time for us to remember PTE Sher's family. They deserve our respect,
our support and our admiration."
Private Sher, 30, was killed in a rocket attack in Oruzgan Province, in southern
Afghanistan, early on Sunday evening (AEDT).
He was the eighth Australian Defence Force soldier to die in Afghanistan since 2002,
but the first killed as a result of indirect fire.
He is survived by his parents, two brothers and a partner, who are receiving support
from the defence department.