ID :
Fri, 01/16/2009 - 20:16
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By Salmy Hashim
WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Bernama) -- A prominent national Islamic civil rights
and advocacy group Thursday called on the Bush administration to request that
the United Nations immediately refer Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip to the
International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued
the call after Israel today bombed not only the U.N. headquarters in Gaza, but
also targeted several hospitals and an international media centre.

Israeli Strikes Hit Gaza Hospitals and UN Aid Headquarters, agencies

Witnesses said the U.N. compound was hit by Israeli white phosphorus shells.
Under the rules of war, white phosphorus can only be used in open spaces away
from civilian populations.

CAIR also reiterated its call for immediate action by the Bush
administration to safely evacuate American citizens and their families trapped
under Israeli bombardment in Gaza.

Various Muslim groups are designating Friday, Jan 16, 2009, as "National
Call-In Day for Gaza."

The groups called on American Muslims to take action by calling their
national elected representatives, President George W.Bush, President-elect
Barack Obama, and their state representatives.

"Organise a call-in session after Friday prayers tomorrow at your mosque.
Urge members of the congregation to make calls on their cell phones immediately
after the prayers while still at the mosque."

They gave talking points to say when talking to President Bush and elected
officials that include asking them "to adopt an even-handed Middle East policy
that is in our nation's -- not Israel's -- interest."

They also urged Muslims to call President-Elect Obama and to ask that he
speak out now in favor of a more balanced and pro-American policy in the Middle
East that takes the rights of all parties to the conflict into consideration.

Last Saturday thousands of Americans, Muslims and non-Muslims, marched in
Washington DC in the "Let Gaza Live National March".