ID :
Sat, 01/17/2009 - 16:16
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Baku, January 16 (AzerTAc). President Ilham Aliyev on Friday presided over a meeting with the Cabinet of Ministers to sum up socio-economic results of 2008.

In his opening remarks, the Head of Azerbaijan State said that though 2008 has
entered the world history as a year of financial crisis, as in previous years, the
last year was successful for Azerbaijan. The President linked this success to
serious works done for development of Azerbaijan. Noting the population`s incomes
have raised 36 percent, President Aliyev stressed the notable level of poverty
reduction in the country, pointing to a 50 percent raise of minimum wages and
pensions. He noted that now the average monthly wages in Azerbaijan make up $335,
while the monthly pension averaged $120. The successful program of targeted social
assistance will be continued in 2009, the President said.
Speaking of diversification of economy and realization of new infrastructure
projects as a result of successful implementation of the state program of social and
economic development of regions, the Head of State said: “Currently a new program is
being outlined for the coming 5 years. Over the last 5 years, 766 thousand new
workplaces were opened, of which, 548 thousand are permanent. In 2008 alone, we
created more than 120 thousand new jobs.”
Noting inadmissibility of linking Azerbaijan`s development to oil and gas factor
only, President Ilham Aliyev ascertained that the “expedient policy, protection of
national interests of the country and democratic reforms have stimulated our
economic successes”. “In 2008 the World Bank has declared Azerbaijan the “top
reformer of the year”, he added.
The Head of State further said: “Despite financial crisis observed in the world, the
state budget for 2009 has increased. Expenses of this year`s state budget make up
$15.4 billion, while the consolidated budget is $18.4 billion. Today, Azerbaijan`s
currency reserves exceed $18 billion.”
“The successes in power sector of the country have also strengthened our positions”,
the President emphasized. “Azerbaijan has completely provided its power security and
become a reliable partner for the world. Now, seven oil and gas pipelines transport
Azerbaijan`s oil and gas to the world markets. Our country is taking serious
measures in transport sector, with construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway
successfully continuing.”
President Ilham Aliyev underlined that Azerbaijan`s positions in settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continued to strengthened in 2008. He described adoption
of the UN General Assembly resolution supporting Azerbaijan`s position as a
political and diplomatic success of the country, and the Moscow Declaration later
signed by the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia as a continuation of this
success. He stressed that provisions of the Declaration completely reflect our
country`s position and aim to resolve the conflict on the basis of principles of
international law.
The Head of State said in 2009 the military budget has grown to $2.3 billion.
President Ilham Aliyev assessed the presidential elections as one of the last year`s
most important events, saying: “Results of these elections have demonstrated that
the Azerbaijani people welcome and support the policy of the present authorities.”
The President`s remarks followed by reports by Minister of Finance Samir Sharifov,
Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev, Chairman of the Board of
National Bank Elman Rustamov who highlighted social and economic development of the
country in 2008.
In his final remarks, President Ilham Aliyev noted that one of the main goals in
2009 is to minimize consequences of the world financial crisis in Azerbaijan. The
Head of State once again dwelled on successes of the country`s power policy,
underlining that “Azerbaijan has become a gas exporting country, with domestic gas
supply reaching 85 percent.”
In case that a transit agreement on transportation of the Azerbaijan gas is signed
in 2009, it will be exported to Greece and Bulgaria. Now, the minimum volume of gas
reserves in Azerbaijan makes up 2 trillion cubic meters.
President Ilham Aliyev gave certain instructions on taking serious measures to
develop bank sector, to realize social programs, to increase living standard of the
internally displaced persons and to provide government support to enterprises, whose
export potential has suffered as a result of the financial crisis.
The Head of State emphasized the necessity of fulfilling all tasks set forth in 2009
focusing on further improvement of well-being of Azerbaijani citizens.