ID :
Sat, 01/17/2009 - 21:15
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Aso to vow to pull Japan out of recession in Diet speech

TOKYO, Jan. 17 Kyodo -
Prime Minister Taro Aso plans to reiterate his determination to ''make Japan
the first country to overcome the global recession'' and stress the need to
swiftly enact a record-high fiscal 2009 state budget to boost the economy in
his policy speech to be delivered at the Diet, government sources said
He will also emphasize a ''diplomacy toward peace and prosperity'' in which
Japan, as a major economic power, will actively contribute to peace and
stability in the world, while vowing to cooperate closely with the incoming
U.S. administration of President-elect Barack Obama on such issues as North
Korea and Afghanistan, they said.
The date of the speech, in which Aso hopes to highlight his goal to create ''a
vigorous society where people can live in peace,'' has not yet been decided
because deliberations for the second extra budget for fiscal 2008 are under way
in the opposition-controlled House of Councillors.
But the ruling parties are hoping that Aso will deliver the speech as early as
Jan. 26.
Calling antipiracy missions in waters off Somalia an ''important and imminent
issue the international society should deal with,'' Aso is also expected to
present the government's plan to dispatch the Maritime Self-Defense Force at an
early date under a maritime policing provision of the Self-Defense Forces Law
and note that he will also seek to set up a legal framework for such a mission.
He will also touch on North Korea's abductions of Japanese nationals as the
Cabinet's top priority issue and will say it needs to be resolved ''as soon as
In relation to social security policies, Aso will mention in his speech the
need to take necessary measures to realize a consumption tax hike starting from
fiscal 2011, based on the premise that the economy is turning around.
He will also stress work to eliminate wasteful spending and that he will
proceed in revamping the public servant system, they said.
Aso, struggling with low popularity, is expected to face a tough clash with the
opposition parties in enacting the fiscal 2009 budget and related laws during
the ongoing ordinary Diet session which was convened on Jan. 5.
During his speech, Aso is expected to call for the cooperation of the
opposition parties in parliament.
The enactments of the first and second supplementary budgets for fiscal 2008 as
well as the fiscal 2009 budget will lead the government to spend 75 trillion
yen in total on economic stimulus measures, including a controversial 2
trillion yen cash handout plan.