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Mon, 01/19/2009 - 21:12
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Gov`t panel decides to require oil firms to use clean energy

TOKYO, Jan. 19 Kyodo -
An industry ministry panel decided Monday to require oil refiners and gas
companies to use a certain amount of nonfossil fuel energy sources as part of
efforts to address global warming.
Under the current law, only electric utilities are required to use a specified
amount of alternative sources instead of oil, such as nuclear, solar and
hydraulic energy.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is planning to submit a bill to
either revise or establish legislation to the ongoing ordinary Diet session, if
possible, ministry officials said.
The current law was created in 1980 following two oil crises as part of efforts
to improve the country's energy security.
The panel has been discussing since October last year how to further encourage
use of alternative energy and reduce Japan's reliance on fossil fuels, also
including coal and natural gas.