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Tue, 02/03/2009 - 20:08
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U.N. envoy wraps up Myanmar visit after meeting with premier+

YANGON, Feb. 3 Kyodo - U.N. special envoy to Myanmar Ibrahim Gambari met with Prime Minister Gen.

Thein Sein on Tuesday, winding up a four-day visit that included talks with
detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and the nation's political leaders.
Gambari, a Nigerian diplomat, headed to Singapore on Tuesday evening. Foreign
Ministry officials saw him off at Yangon International Airport.
The U.N. envoy met with Thein Sein for about 45 minutes at a military
guesthouse in Yangon prior to his departure for Singapore, official sources
Gambari also met separately with representatives of pro-junta political
organizations and National League for Democracy splinter groups. The contents
of the talks were not yet available.
Gambari arrived in Yangon on Saturday as part of U.N. efforts to spur
democratic change in Myanmar.
It was Gambari's seventh visit to Myanmar since being appointed to the post in
On Monday, Gambari met with Suu Kyi and NLD leaders, including NLD Chairman
Aung Shwe, for about one hour.
During his visit last August, Gambari failed to meet with either Suu Kyi or
junta chief Senior Gen. Than Shwe after both refused to meet him.
An NLD spokesman said that during their meeting Monday, Gambari sought advice
from Suu Kyi and the NLD leadership on the possibility of holding a U.N. forum
on the Myanmar economy and a visit to the country by U.N. Secretary General Ban
Ki Moon.
NLD leaders said that a visit by Ban would be unwelcome until Myanmar's ruling
generals release Suu Kyi and NLD Vice Chairman Tin Oo from detention.
During a meeting with Yangon-based diplomats Sunday, Gambari said his visit was
aimed at securing the release of political prisoners, including Suu Kyi, and
bringing about face-to-face dialogue between her and the junta, according to
diplomats who attended the meeting.