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Fri, 03/31/2017 - 11:27

Chinese Aircraft, Joint Work With Russia May Affect US Aviation Competitiveness

The competitiveness of the US aviation industry could experience pressure from China’s Comac C919 and other large civil aircraft as well as joint ventures the country has been concluding with Russia, the Rand Corporation said in a report on Thursday. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Rand explained that some experts are concerned about the transfer of engine and avionics technology through the C919 ventures with Western companies. "Concerns about US competitiveness should remain centered around C919-related joint ventures or future Chinese [large civilian aircraft] designs, such as wide-body aircraft development with the Russians," the report stated. Rand noted that the C919 may be further delayed or could operate less efficiently than existing Western-manufactured narrow-body aircraft. Nevertheless, Rand recommended that US national security issues should focus on espionage, cybercrime as well as illegal technology transfers. The C919 is China’s first home-made twin-engine jumbo jet carrying up to 190 passengers. The aircraft is produced by the Shanghai-based Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd., also known by its acronym Comac, which was established in May of 2008. Read more: