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Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:09
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Public and private sectors upgrade on Asian bond

Public and private sectors upgrade on Asian bond

(KPL) The Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank organized a seminar on Asian Bond Financing for Infrastructure project in Laos on 5 February, Lao Plaza Hotel.
The main objectives of the seminar are to disseminate the result of research on the Asian Bond Financing for Infrastructure Project for 60 representatives from the public and private sectors that it seems very importance for issuing the Asian Bond Financing for Infrastructure project in Laos.
The project research started in August 2008, under the sponsorship of Asian Development Bank, which was a pilot project of the Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI). This is an important opportunity for financing cooperation between the ASEAN and its dialogues partners (ASEAN+3 countries, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea) with the aim of joint finance resource for infrastructure development in the region.
The bond is a tool of finance to mobilize potential fund resources from the domestic and oversea so as to contribute to socio-economic development of country. So far, the Laos has issued a number of bonds for budget balance, maintaining currency stability and spending on government’s priority projects on infrastructure development. So that the Ministry of Finance holds financial policy as important key for ensuring sustainable national budget and it can respond to the growth of economy.
Laos joined the Bond Market Initiative in 1990, which proclaimed a number of legal and rule as a reference for enforcement. The issue of Asian bond is in line with the current global financial crisis, the government as well as the Ministry of Finance paid a significant attention to development in the region. Presently, Laos succeeded in drafting decree on state bond and business bond. A number of rules have already been improved. Till 2010, the Lao PDR will pay an effort to fulfill in establishment of office, issue long-term state bond and other facilitating factor. The event was attended by Ms. Thongdy, Acting Director General of Foreign Currency Policy Department, Ministry of Finance, Lao PDR and Mr. Gil Hong Kim, Country representative of Director of ADB to Laos.