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Mon, 02/09/2009 - 10:09
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Tourist arrivals in Vangvieng is on a roll

Tourist arrivals in Vangvieng is on a roll

(KPL) The global and Lao tourism industry is certain to be hard hit by the current global financial crisis but the slump in tourism in the world has not come Vangvieng.
The current number of tourist arrivals to Vangvieng district is drifting upwards, from 300 to 350 per day in 2008 to 400 daily in 2009, said District Chief of Vangvieng, Mr Kongsy Oudom.
“Last year, tourism for this district expanded at the rate of 10-15 per cent and for the whole year the total number of 127,750, on average of 300-350 people per day,” he continued.
What is important is to improve and expand the existing tourist sites of this district in order to provide quality support to the tourists, especially during the festive days, said Mr Komgsy.
“However, one should not forget that because of the ongoing global financial crisis, the tourists might fork out less money than usual and this can have an impact on the local people who depend on the tourist dollar for their livelihood,” stressed the district chief of Vangvieng.
Efforts had been made since 2000 to expand and improve the infrastructure and tourism sites of this district, so that at present it has 32 tourism sites and 72 hotels and resorts.