ID :
Wed, 02/11/2009 - 19:48
Auther :


KUNDASANG (Malaysia), Feb 11 (Bernama) -- There was an increase in the
number of tourists who scaled Mt Kinabalu in East Malaysia state of Sabah last
year, as compared to the two previous years.

Sabah Parks officer Awangku Mohd Rodzan Pengiran Dahlan said that 48,604
tourists scaled South-East Asia's highest mountain in 2008.

The figure comprised 26,161 foreigners, and the rest, locals.

"This is an increase as compared to 40,390 tourists in 2007 and 39,298 in
2006," he told Bernama here Wednesday.

Rodzan said several factors contributed to the increase in tourists visiting
Mt Kinabalu, including cheaper air fare and intensive promotion by the state

On public complaints that they had to wait several months for a permit
to climb Mt Kinabalu, he said the number of tourists allowed to climb the
mountain depended on the accomodation available.

"We (Sabah Parks) only issue 146 permits daily to visitors. That is why some
tourists had to wait before getting the green light to climb the mountain," he
said, adding that safety was another factor considered in the process of issuing

The 4,095 metre-high mountain is located in Kinabalu Park, Kundasang,
which is a World Heritage Site.