ID :
Thu, 02/12/2009 - 13:48
Auther :


Baku, February 11 (AzerTAc). With the support of the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) and in co-operation with the Milli Majlis, Commission on
Combating Corruption of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Development Alternatives Inc
(DIA), the Council of Europe held here a conference on improving the transparency
and efficiency in the legislative process. The conference was held within the
framework of the Project of Support to the Anti-corruption Strategy of Azerbaijan

Veronika Kotek, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of
Europe in Azerbaijan, said the aim of the conference is to discuss the legislative
process in Azerbaijan and how it might be improved in order to facilitate the
efficient passage of high-quality legislation and maximize its resistance to
1st Vice-Speaker of the Milli Majlis, member of the Commission on Combating
Corruption of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ziyafet Asgarov noted the government and
parliament of Azerbaijan are interested in increasing efficiently and transparency
of legislation. He pointed the law and state program on fighting corruption had been
adopted in Azerbaijan. The country also became a party to UN, CoE anti-corruption
conventions. According to Asgarov, bringing Azerbaijani laws in conformity with
European standards play important role in Azerbaijan`s Euratlantic integration.
US Ambassador in Azerbaijan Anne Derse hailed improvement of Azerbaijani legislation
and increasing transparency in fighting corruption. According to her, US government
and Council of Europe will support development of democracy and civil society and
fighting against corruption in Azerbaijan.
Ali Huseynov, chairman of the Milli Majlis standing commission on legal policy and
state building, member of the Commission on Combating Corruption of the Republic of
Azerbaijan Ali Huseynov provided an insight into the laws and state programs on
combating money laundering, financing terrorism.
He pointed out Azerbaijan is a member of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians
against Corruption. The third GOPAC conference held Kuwait decided to establish the
GOPAC South Caucasus chapter in Azerbaijan.