ID :
Sat, 02/21/2009 - 19:27
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Woman sings non-stop for over 75 hours, breaks Guinness record

SEOUL, Feb. 21 (Yonhap) -- A South Korean woman set a world record on Saturday after singing more than 75 hours straight, pausing only for short breaks.

Kim Sun-ok, a 54-year-old housewife, broke the 75-hour Guinness World Record held
by America's Marcus Lapratt as of 2:14:01 p.m. at a karaoke bar in northern Seoul
and was still singing as of then.
Kim, who started singing on Thursday, sang over 1,200 numbers. Contenders are
only given 30-second breaks in between songs and five-minute breaks every hour.
She sustained herself by eating bananas and tangerines and drinking water mixed
with honey.
"Her sense of determination has been strong since she was young," said Kim
Kwang-jin, Kim's 70-year-old brother. "She's finishes everything she sets her
mind to."
The Korea Record Institute, a member of Britain's Guinness World Records, said it
will submit a video tape of Kim and other material for review to Guinness before
she is recognized as the new record-holder in "longest singing marathon by an