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Thu, 11/30/2017 - 15:55
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Ambassador says South Korea seeks to build regular high-level contacts with Russia

MOSCOW, November 30. /TASS/. Holding regular bilateral summits with Moscow and building closer contacts between parliaments is one of Seoul’s priorities, South Korean Ambassador to Russia Woo Yoon-keun said during his first interview with Russian journalists. In response to a question by a TASS correspondent, he said that "the challenge before us is to hold regular summits." "Our presidents’ visits next year will contribute to building confidence between South Korea and Russia," the ambassador noted, adding that "we will also seek to expand our ties on the parliamentary level." According to Woo Yoon-keun, who was previously a member of the South Korean parliament, building ties between legislators is particularly important. There are plans to hold annual meetings of parliament speakers and heads of foreign affairs committees, as well as to establish direct ties between the two countries lawmakers. Leader of South Korea’s Democratic Party Choo Mi-ae, who also heads the parliamentary committee for political cooperation with Russia, is planned to visit Moscow on December 11-14. Read more