ID :
Tue, 02/24/2009 - 11:38
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Fickle South Korean maize buyers overturn buy decision

Fickle South Korean maize buyers overturn buy decision

(KPL) The Republic of Korea’s businessmen cancelled the purchase of maize from Lao maize growers due to the worsening world finance crisis, according to the Department of Productivity and Commerce Promotion.
A few months ago, the South Korean businessmen asked the Lao Ministry of Industry and Commerce to purchase 400,000 tons of maize from Lao growers at reasonable prices, 1,500-2,000 kip per kilogram, said Deputy Director of Department of Productivity and Commerce Promotion, Mr. Phouvong Phommabout.
He added that the cancellation is also due to the volatility in the price of maize and the problem of supply of maize for such a large order.
However, the Productivity and Commerce Promotion Department is trying to find another buyer in order to help the maize farmers get rid of their large stock of maize.