ID :
Wed, 02/25/2009 - 08:35
Auther :


We, miraculously survived witnesses of the genocide committed by Armenian
nationalists in the city of Khojaly located in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of
Azerbaijan on 26 February, 1992, once again call upon the United Nations, Council of
Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as well as the whole
progressive and civilized mankind to give a legal and political assessment to the
Khojaly genocide.
In order to realize their mythical idea of “Great Armenia” at the expense of
historical Azerbaijani lands, the Armenian nationalist and extremist circles, who in
1978 erected in Nagorno-Karabakh a monument marking the 150th anniversary of
Armenians’ moving to Azerbaijan from Iran, supported by their foreign patrons, over
the past two centuries, have consecutively pursued aggressive policy against
Azerbaijan through committing numerous crimes against humanity, including terrorist
acts, massacres, mass deportations and genocide.
There are many documents testifying that subjected to a policy of ethnic cleansing
and genocide in the Caucasus, Azerbaijanis were massively killed and deported from
their historic lands in the years 1905-1907, 1918-1920, 1948-1953.
Armenia resumed its groundless territorial claims against Azerbaijan in 1988,
launching the Nagorno-Karabakh provocation, which had neither historical nor
political nor ethnic basis.
Between 1988 and 1989, more than 25,000 Azerbaijanis, who had been living on their
historical, ethnic lands in Armenia, were deported all to a man, with hundreds of
them brutally killed within the motioned period. As a result, Armenia turned into a
monoethnic country, making Armenians’ long lasting dream come true.
It is been nearly 20 years since 20 percent of the territory of Azerbaijan,
including 7 regions beyond the administrative borders of Nagorno-Karabakh and fully
populated by ethnic Azerbaijanis, were occupied by Armenian armed forces. Over 1
million Azerbaijanis were brutally ousted from their historic homes, thousands were
killed and mutilated.
The fate of more that 4,500 Azerbaijani prisoners of war, hostages and missing
people, who were subject to inhuman treatment in prison camps in Armenia and
Nagorno-Karabakh, remains unknown.
Hundreds of towns and villages, thousands of buildings, historical and cultural
monuments, mosques and cemeteries have been subject to unprecedented vandalism.
The massive killings of Azerbaijanis in Karabakh villages of Karkidjahan, Meshali,
Gushchular, Garadgly, Agdaban and others, in early 90s of the 20th century, bloody
terrorist acts in Baku and other cities of the country, and finally, the Khojaly
genocide, are historic crimes, which will always lie as a black spot on conscience
of the “oppressed and long-suffering” Armenians.
It is with great regret that we bring to your notice that the Khojaly genocide
committed in 1992 now ranks among such horrible and monstrous human tragedies of the
20th century as Khatyn, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Son My.
On the night of February 26 of that year the Armenian armed groups supported by
former Soviet army’s motorized rifle regiment No366, then deployed in the city of
Khankendi (Stepanakert), attacked the Khojaly, which once was home to 7,000
Azerbaijanis (at the time of the attack there were around 3,000 people in the city),
from five directions. By then Khojaly had already been blockaded for four months by
the Armenian armed groups, with the city`s residents suffering extremely lack of
provision and medical care. There were many disabled, wounded, the old, women and
children in the city.
On that horrific night the city of Khojaly was erased from the face of the earth,
with its peaceful residents, including children, women, the old and wounded brutally
killed and tortured. The Armenian nationalists committed another bloody, uncivilized
historic crime of the 20th century - the Khojaly genocide.
The aim of this barbaric action was to completely slaughter the population of the
city. However, part of Khojaly residents miraculously managed to survive as if to
witness to history.
In the Khojaly genocide, 613 innocent people - 106 women, 63 children and 70 the old
– were killed; 1275 taken hostage, with 155 of them still missing; while 487, of
them 76 underage people, were left disabled.
As a result of this military-political crime 8 families were completely slaughtered,
25 children lost both, while 130 one of their parents. Fifty six of those killed
were murdered with extreme brutality as some of them were burnt alive, others had
their eyes put out and were scalped and beheaded; pregnant women were bayoneted in
the stomach.
It is too hard to believe that this unprecedentedly monstrous and brutal act was
committed by human beings before the eyes of the world in the late 20th century!
However, the world must be aware that the committer of this historic crime, the
crime against not only Azerbaijanis, but also the whole mankind, is the aggressive
Armenian nationalism which has been presenting itself to the world as “a
long-suffering and oppressed nation”.
It is for 17 years that we, internally displaced residents of Khojaly, have been
calling - with pain in our hearts, and, at the same time, with great hopes - upon
all peace-loving nations of the world and international organizations. We believe
that being the world`s most influential international organizations the United
Nations, Council of Europe and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,
and peace-loving countries will make Armenia, the aggressive country not respecting
the international legal norms and human values, to live on the basis of principles
of justice and fairness and build normal relations with neighboring countries!
The fact Armenia continues to reject four UN Security Council resolutions demanding
withdrawal of its armed forces from occupied territories of Azerbaijan is, first and
foremost, a serious blow to the organization`s prestige.
We express confidence that the world community will condemn Armenia`s military
aggression against Azerbaijan, and show just and unbiased position to ensure
Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, return of over one million of refugees and IDPs
to their homes, and a peaceful, negotiated resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan
conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Baku, 17 February, 2009.