ID :
Wed, 02/25/2009 - 13:58
Auther :


KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 (Bernama) -- Malaysia's export performance under free
trade area (FTA) preferential schemes have improved overall last year compared
to a year before, said Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti).

In a statement here Tuesday, Miti said Malaysia's exports under the FTA
schemes in 2008 rose by 80.1 percent to RM49.1 billion (US$1=RM compared with

A preferential scheme offers import tariff reduction or elimination for
Malaysian exports.

To be eligible for preferential treatment, the products must comply with the
rules of origin under the various schemes.

A preferential certificate of origin (CO) will be issued by Miti for the
eligible products.

Miti said in 2008, Malaysia's export value under Association of South-East
Asian Nations (Asean) Free Trade Area (Afta) was the highest among the five FTA
preferential schemes.

"It was followed by Asean-Korea Free Trade Area (AKFTA), Malaysia-Japan
Economic Partnership Agreement (MJEPA), Asean-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) and
Malaysia-Pakistan Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (MPCEPA)," it said.

It said Malaysia's exports under Afta in 2008 contributed RM16.1 billion, or
9.4 percent of the country's total export to Asean member states.

Miti said a total of 139,894 COs were issued last year.

In 2008, Malaysia's exports to South Korea under AKFTA amounted to RM14.3
billion, with a total issuance of 20,119 COs.

Exports to Japan under MJEPA in 2008 amounted to RM8.4 billion, with a total
of 45,714 COs issued.

The exports to China under ACFTA last year was valued at RM6.3 billion, with
a total of 13,723 COs issued.

The exports to Pakistan in 2008 amounted to RM4 billion with a total of
2,424 COs issued.

Miti said in 2008, a total of 3,456 companies utilised the preferential
tariff offered by the five FTAs, with 210 companies submitting their
applications online (e-PCO).

To apply for FTA preferential schemes, manufacturers and exporters are
required to submit cost analysis either through online application (e-PCO) or
download the application forms from Miti's official portal.

The information on step-by-step online registration can also be obtained at