ID :
Wed, 03/04/2009 - 07:13
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Power companies to cut electricity charges by up to 600 yen in May


TOKYO, March 3 Kyodo -
Japan's 10 electric power companies said Tuesday they are likely to reduce
electricity charges by 200 yen to 600 yen in May from a month earlier, thanks
to falling fuel costs.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said average households in Tokyo could save between
500 yen to 600 yen on their monthly electricity bills. Among other areas,
households in the Chubu, Hokuriku, Shikoku and Kyushu regions are expected to
see reductions of around 200 yen, according to local utility firms.
But the power companies said that the scope of cuts in electricity charges
could vary as current projections are based on rough estimates. The utility
firms are expected to announce their official prices later this month after
taking into account changes in fuel costs between December and February.
Power companies currently revise their electricity charges once every quarter.
Starting in May, the power companies will start revising electricity prices on
a monthly basis to better reflect fuel price changes.
2009-03-03 23:12:14