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Thu, 03/05/2009 - 14:54
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First Rattan Food Festival held in Savannakhet

First Rattan Food Festival held in Savannakhet

(KPL) Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) Lao PDR and Champhone District Authority organised its first Rattan Food Festival and Rattan Garden Visiting on 27 February, at Laohouakham Village, Champhone District, Savannakhet Province, according to press release of SNV
The main purposes of the festival were to promote eating food made from rattan shoots, its plantation and to expand rattan shoot markets. More than 100 people, from government agencies, private and development sectors, including INGOs, hotels and restaurants, attended the festival, and visited rattan gardens.
Mr. Sisavath Insysengmay, Vice Chief–Champhone District, opened the festival by addressing the importance and necessity of rattan and rattan shoot for the individual, families and communities as a whole. Mr. Sisavath indicated that there are more than 250 families participating in the rattan plantation and trading with 15 million kip in revenues last year.
In addition, Mr. Keolabthavong Songsamayvong, South Portfolio Coordinator of SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, added that SNV is an international non-governmental organisation that provides capacity development services to local organisations, both public and private sectors. SNV supports local actors to strengthen their performance to effectively realise poverty reduction.
SNV operated its services in Savannakhet Province since the beginning of this century and works currently in 5 sectors; namely pro-poor sustainable tourism; non-timber forest product; smallholder cash crops; water, sanitation and hygiene; and renewable energy (including biogas and improved cook-stoves).
SNV began its rattan shoot program in Savannakhet province by initially investigating and surveying the potential non-timber forest products to be supported and promoted as a commercial commodity for the district and province.
The rattan shoot program will be expanded to other districts in the near future, with the implementation of value chain development approaches.