ID :
Wed, 03/18/2009 - 14:46
Auther :

Pavlodar region is preparing for organization of courses of staff retraining

Pavlodar, March 18, 2009 (Khabar) - Over 1,5 000 residents of region will be re-trained this year. And the state will help them to find a job in conditions of economic crisis. Retraining courses will be opened in framework of regional “road map” and currently this document is to be coordinated. Alexey Radevich studies at the polytechnic college that concluded treaty with metallurgical enterprises, which needs man power.

Olga Gareyeva, future technician-metallurgist:
- We are confident in our future and our profession is demanded as many large objects are built in Pavlodar region now. Currently, the main is for us to get good qualitative education.

Industrious enterprises of Pavlodar region work stably and worry about personnel despite economic difficulties. It is forecasted over 8 000 people can be discharged and specialists with technical education will be most demanded. Discharged people can be re-trained and take part in repair of schools and hospitals, motor roads and engineer networks.

Valeriy Yakutov, director of polytechnic college:
- I think the decision on road map is the most correct decision. It is necessary to train people and supply them with a job. These are the main tasks of our country.

The draft of regional “road map” is ready and polytechnic college can welcome about 300 people. In general employment centers plan to seize about 10 professional and technical schools in this campaign.

Rysty Zhumabekova, deputy governor of Pavlodar region:
- Crisis occurs and is passed away and then future comes. I think now we will get good experience in training of professional and technical staff and develop close cooperation among educational institutions, industrial enterprises and employment centers. I believe all this will be very useful in future.

Foreign specialists also say such cooperation is very useful. The authorities of Pavlodar region agreed with Norwegian colleagues to exchange experience. Kazakhstan and Norway have similar economies.

Ule Imsland, representative of Center of professional training (Norway):
- Currently Norway faced increasing unemployment and nobody knows how long it will last. And I think Kazakhstani and Norwegian governments elaborated good strategy and policy to train discharged adults and this will positively influence the country after ongoing of crisis.

Norwegians highly valued Kazakhstan’s measures for overcoming of crisis. Ule Imsland considers most countries should adopt the experience of our republic.